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Gut Health & Everyday Wellness

Unlock The Health & Energy To Say YES To Your Mission

Hey Friend...

I'm so glad your here!

I empower busy, mission-driven women to honor their gut and everyday wellness so they have the energy and ability to say YES to their mission with confidence and healthy intention.

As Featured In

Offering The Following Services

  • Wood Gravity Colonics

  • Wellness Coaching

  • Health Education

  • Online Courses

It's Time To Kick Digestive Distress To The Curb...

For Good!

Does This Sound Like You...

  • You’re Tired All Of The Time- despite your daily cup of coffee

  • You Eat Healthy But Still Suffer From Digestive Issues

  • Your Skin Is Dull, Lifeless Or Prone To Acne

  • The Battle Of The Bulge Is Getting The Best Of You

What If You Could...

  • Experience Boundless Energy Everyday

  • Poop Like A Boss & Embrace A Lifetime Of Digestive Bliss

  • Have Skin That Glows And Radiates From Within

  • Achieve & Maintain A Healthy Weight Without Diet Fads

Let's Be Honest...

When you don't feel good in your body, you can't show up as the awesome force that you are.

Could there be a connection between how stuck you feel and what’s showing up in your life? Seriously- you really could and should be better about taking care of yourself. After all, being unaware of (or worse- being aware and pretending to not know) the connection between your overall wellbeing and what’s showing up in your life isn’t really serving you.

You, know sweet precious jewel, that you are awesome. But if you're completely honest with yourself, you’d have to admit that lately, you haven’t been feeling very awesome. In fact, the word “tired” and “drained” could be your first and last names. This in turn is affecting your mojo and effecting your life expression and therefore impacting your purpose.

Something just isn’t quite right.

If it wasn’t for that cup of coffee to rev up your morning engine or that glass (or two) of wine to help slow things down at the end of the day, who knows what the day would be like? You’re lack of energy and vitality and are now starting to become obvious.

Perhaps you may even notice subtle changes like sleep issues, lifeless skin, a bulging waistline, upset stomach, gas, bloating… and dare I say it?

It’s that thing no one wants to discuss ever!

Digestive distress. Straight up Constipation (with a capital “C”)

Oh yeah that. The poop thing. Ugh! Not exactly everyday conversations with your friends, family or co-workers. You’ve ignored it long enough and are now ready to deal head on.

Yeah sure, you could go on another juice cleanse.

You’ve done it before and maybe even felt great afterwards. But this is short lived and always leads to disappointment  because of poor post- cleansing follow through. 

You find yourself completing a three, five, or 10 day juice cleanse, liver flush, or any other cleanse only to greet the final days with drinks out with your peeps or worse… that guilty pleasure that you’ve been trying to avoid like the plague.

Not to mention, cleansing sometimes can be so confusing, overwhelming and wreak of deprivation. Your health quests always lead to some novelty crash course cleanse that you zealously go on, followed by self-sabotage and less-than-kind treatment to yourself after. 

Wow. You can be so mean to yourself sometimes. It’s such a frustrating emotional roller coaster ride. Could it be that all of the above are affecting your impact, potential for success, productivity and positive change in every area of your life? 

Why does it seem like you’re “always cleansing” but never establishing any real lifestyle shifts and health patterns? And what about the constipation? We still can't not forget about that. Why isn’t it improving?

Truth Bomb

Come on. You know that there is a better way. Slow down. Be kinder to yourself. Clean up your life and health from the inside, out in a way that is non-dogmatic and sensible. It’s time to leverage the power of your gut, take back reign over the porcelain throne and start feeling better. Why not make NOW the time to take a stand for you, your health and wellbeing? 

But how? Where do you even begin?

This Is Where I Come In:

Through my signature coaching program, colon hydrotherapy services, and Gutsy Life & Wellness community, I can help you get your mojo back in a way that is BS and dogma-free, and rooted in love, self-care, and non-judgment.

One thing that totally rocks my world is working with powerful creative and professional women who are finally connecting the dots between their internal world and what is showing up (or not) in their outer world.

This is why I start with gut wellness as the foundation and launch pad for our work together.

How would your life look IF you really took the time to go from stuck and constipated to free-flowing and liberated? What would be different? What would you heal, manifest, attract and accomplish in your life?

Let's work together to strategize and explore the limitless possibilities for better living and greater wellness.


Are We A Good Fit For Working Together?

Fatima Lowe-Williams, CHLC

Certified Colon Therapist

Gut Health & Everyday Wellness Coach

Health Educator

Life Coach

All About That Client Love

What Makes Clients Dig Our Work Together?

I am a mother, wife, business woman, cancer survivor and more but working with Fatima has also helped me to remember myself and the fact that I am a human "Being". And that she needs to be taken care of so that I can be the best and healthiest. version of myself in the world. Glad that I found her because truly she is a God-send.

Simone I Smith, Founder

Amore by Simone Smith Jewelry Line

Fatima’s passion for helping women realize health thru self care is palpable & so is her dedication to empowering them to transform their lives from the inside out. She's an amazingly skilled colon hygienist, & wellness coach. I have had the pleasure of referring to her on numerous occasions. Her ability to affect lasting change & health habits with her clients leaves them forever changed and all the better for working with her.

Natalia Rose, Founder

The Rose Institute &

NYT Best Selling Author

On more than one occasion, I have traveled from New York City to Los Angeles to work with Fatima. I am a fan. I feel very comfortable referring to her. In fact, I have referred several clients to her - all of who only have rave reviews! Not only is she knowledgeable but she is sensible in her approach to wellness. Without a doubt, I think that her holistic style is exactly what most people need to help them master the art of a perpetual cleansing lifestyle.

Mary Ruth Ghiyam


Mary Ruth Organics

In the 20 years since we first met, she has always been one of those people that you feel like you've known...kinda like forever. She is a passionate person who loves to nurture and help people get to the core of their best version of themselves. She is passionate yet non-dogmatic in her approach to healthy and purposeful living. That combined with just who she is as a real person makes her so incredibly special.

Yvette Nicole Brown

Actress, Producer, Philanthropist

I've gained so much value working with Fatima. Her approach to wellness is so grounded and comes from such a nurturing place. I have learned so much from her especially as it relates to the role of my digestion, immunity and overall health.

T. Jones

Emmy Award Nominated

TV Producer

Fatima is a wealth of information on health and wellness. She makes learning a fun and joyful process that is also inspiring. She's the real deal and I constantly recommend her services.

Brianna Brown Keen

Actress, Producer

Founder of The New Hollywood

Fatima Lowe-Williams, CHLC | Colon Therapy | Gut Health & Everyday Wellness Coaching |Copyright 2024 | All Rights Reserved